Which Livestream platforms for gamers? Discover them here!

You are a player, a real player. Video games no longer hold any secrets for you. Do you want to share your passion and your talents for video games at the same time? So start streaming! Ezequiel Bruni, a former streamer, reveals his secrets to you through a article published on Cyberghost which offers a selection of the best livestream platforms for gamers.

After explaining the basics of the livestream concept, the author points out the important points to look for in a good platform. It then reveals the various existing solutions, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

The rise of livestreaming

Livestreaming has taken the world by storm game, with millions of players sharing their passion and talent online. This growing popularity has led to the emergence of several platforms dedicated to live gaming, offering players plenty of options to broadcast their gaming sessions and interact with their audience.

Twitch: The titan of live streaming

Introducing Twitch and its main features

Twitch is undoubtedly the leading platform in the field of live streaming for video games. Born in 2011, it quickly established itself as a must-have for all gamers who want to share their exploits online. Among its main characteristics we find:

  • A wide selection of gaming channels
  • Advanced monetization tools
  • Robust and customizable chat system
  • Native integration with popular services such as OBS or XSplit

The pros and cons of video game streamers

Among the main assets of Twitch, we can mention its popularity among gamers, which gives it a large potential audience. In addition, the platform offers interesting monetization opportunities, in particular through advertising revenue sharing and paid subscriptions. Finally, Twitch has a very active community that facilitates interaction between streamers and viewers.
However, this popularity has its drawbacks: competition is fierce on Twitch, and it can be difficult for a new streamer to find a place among established gaming celebrities. Additionally, chat moderation can sometimes leave you wanting, making certain interactions awkward.

YouTube Gaming: The giant of video content goes live

The specifics of YouTube Gaming compared to the main platform

YouTube Gaming is an extension of the well-known video platform dedicated to video games. Launched in 2015, it is supposed to be an alternative to Twitch for gamers who want to stream their games live. Among its peculiarities we find:

  • Easy access to recorded videos
  • Better streaming quality (up to 4K)
  • Tools for cross-promotion with classic YouTube channels

Strengths and weaknesses of live streaming games

One of the main advantages of YouTube Gaming lies in its synergy with the main platform: a gamer who already has a YouTube channel will find it a natural transition to livestreaming. In addition, the potential audience is also significant, even if it is less focused on gaming than that of Twitch.
On the other hand, monetization on YouTube Gaming is often considered less favorable than on Twitch, especially in terms of advertising revenue. Furthermore, some players lament the lack of community features specific to livestreaming.

Facebook Gaming: A new arena for streamers

How Facebook Gaming positions itself in the world of streaming

Facebook Gaming is the social media giant’s answer to the rise of livestreaming games. Launched in 2018, this platform aims to attract streamers and their audiences through extensive integration with the rest of the Facebook ecosystem. Among its main characteristics we highlight:

  • Familiar interface for Facebook users
  • Monetization tools based on “stars” (micro-donations) and subscriptions
  • Ability to access dedicated groups and create events around streams

Advantages and limitations for players

Facebook Gaming has the advantage of being accessible to a wide audience, since most internet users already have a Facebook account. In addition, the platform offers interesting features to promote your streams to family and friends.
However, some players point to a lack of visibility and difficulties in reaching an audience outside their social circle. Additionally, the overall quality of streaming is often rated lower than that of Twitch or YouTube Gaming.

Other emerging platforms

Several new platforms are also trying to find a place in the world of livestreaming games. Among them we can mention:

  • Mixer : The platform, launched by Microsoft in 2016, was shut down in 2020, but could return in a different form.
  • Caffeine : Created in 2018, this platform focuses on simplicity and user-friendliness to appeal to players.

To determine which platform best meets your expectations, several factors should be considered:

  • Audience: Depending on your player profile and your goals, it might be better to prioritize a platform with a specific or, on the contrary, a more general audience.
  • Features: Each platform has its own tools and options. Make sure they meet your streaming and audience interaction needs.
  • Monetization: If you plan to generate income through your streaming activity, compare the different monetization offers offered by the platforms.

In short, choosing the best livestreaming platform for a gamer will largely depend on their goals, target audience, and features they are looking for. Take the time to evaluate the pros and cons of the various options before embarking on your livestreaming gaming adventure.